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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Louder than your voice, is your wallet.

This is a follow up to an article I did last year titled The details are lost... I've seen the changes in Jordan Brand over the years and have heard almost every opinion on the matter, from quality issues, to colorway complaints, to material adjustments and so on. My question is this, if you are upset with the product why are you sneaker heads still making the purchase, camping out, staying up to midnight to make your purchase online?

I think a good percentage of sneaker heads are unoriginal in their own thoughts and style, they see others complaining and feel it's the right thing to do. Much like when they see others hyping up a release and feel they have to have it. We'll label this group of people sheep, because they are just following the masses.

True I would change some things about some of the retro's that have been released, and the ones that I don't like I pass on, why continue spending my hard earned money for a product that I'm only going to complain about. Which is why all of 2009 I bought ZERO Air Jordans, that's right not a single pair because I felt the product was just not up to par. Now many of you went bananas over the Space Jams, and complained about the quality of the shoes, as well as the price. You wanna know the message Jordan Brand got from you all? They got the message of "GREAT JOB JORDAN BRAND, it was inferior to the OG yet $50 more and we sold out of them so GREAT JOB." Guess what the future will bring... better retro's a cheaper price? Probably not.

My point would be if your going to complain, louder than your voice, is your wallet when your talking to corporate America. Just something to think about when you put on that pair of sneakers that you bashed over and over again only to go and buy them anyway.


  1. I've been thinking the same thing dealing with youtube, and these useless "sneakerhead" forums lately. It feels good to know there is someone out there that shares the same perspective.
    Good work


  2. The dollar speaks. When society stop buying things, the corporate world reacts. The masses are spellbound by back to back hype on upcoming releases.
    The prospect of limited releases and major upsales after sellout fuels the fervor for retros, despite if one liked the shoe or not. I didn't get the Spacejam because I didn't care about it, well I wish I bought 2 pairs just to sell.
