Unfortunately I don't think things have gotten much better over the past year, I mean yeah they are finally releasing some nice shoes that people have been waiting on for a while now which is cool. However the quality is still a little suspect to say the least and the thinking behind some of the releases is just a smack in the face to collectors. Example would be, releasing the Varsity VI's which upset a lot of people because they wanted the Infrared VI's, then JB turns around and releases an Infrared Pack which upset a lot of people because with the economy why continue with the packs and why release the pack so close to the release of the Varsity's?
Back to quality for a moment. The Air Jordan II QF & IX Powder were reasons to get excited however when the shoes actually released and the plastic like leather was seen it was just another swing and miss from JB. They continue to cut corners and sadly the masses don't notice or don't care and the purist do but since the masses rush out and buy them quality isn't really an issue with JB, why give us OG quality when they sell out with corning cutting quality?
Then my newest irritation with JB is the lack of creativity! This is huge with me these days and is really causing me to lose interest. It seems EVERY shoe that I see that JB is releasing is just some mixture of something they did in the past. I RARELY see anything new or ground breaking except when the newest signature shoe releases (ie the 2010). Just think about it for a moment everything is a blend of something old like you got the Dub Zero's, Spiz'ikes, Tru Flights, Six Rings, Accolades, 60 Plus and when all else fails FUSE Jordan with NIKE and get Fusions and now the latest un-original creation I've seen is the Jordan Comfort VIS 11 a hybrid of the Air Max 1 and the Air Jordan XI is JB serious?
With all that said many people have wondered why I haven't been copping J's, it's not that I don't like the signature line because I still have my favorites, but the cycle is just not exciting as it use to be, also there hasn't been a non-signature line Jordan has produced that has made me say I have to have those... I mean really why the heck would I wear a Fusion III if I have the actual Air Jordan III? Wouldn't any Air Jordan III be 100 times fresher than a III fused with an Air Force One? Not to mention the cycle itself is just repeating, like not to long ago the XIII's were released and people were quick to complain about toe creasing, the XIII is coming back and people will rush to cop and then complain about toe creasing AGAIN!
I know this was a long read but that's the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my opinion on JB, of course I have my ideas of how to right the ship for the masses and the purist but I don't think JB is interested in hearing it. Well I cop J's in the future? I'm sure I will but as always I am selective in what I buy, just because people think every J is the greatest thing ever doesn't mean I do.
I totally agree with you. JB has been giving us the short end of the stick for quite sometime. I have been writing about the very same things as well. Your assessment is spot on. It makes it easier to to stop buying or focus on pre 2005 releases when they still somewhat cared.