I am asked this question more often than I care to count but would you wrap your sneakers in plastic to include plastic bags to keep them fresh? My answer is always the same NO, simply because leather needs to breath, there is no sense in drying out leather. For those that don't understand what I mean let's go through the thought process...
1. You see the shoes you want and have to have them!
2. You say these are too fresh I'm never going to wear them and keep them forever and show off later that I have the DS or even sell them in a few years! So I'll wrap them in plastic that will preserve them for sure!
3. You decide it's time to pull them out and sell them or wear them only to realize they have mysteriously crumbled at the midsole!
4. Now your thinking man I could have sold these for more than retail and missed out on some money, I could have worn them and looked fresh... then you realize your $135 investment was all for nothing because now you're just serving as a warning to others!
ooh shit
ReplyDeletei agree wit tat u should wear all ur shoes but wat if they dnt and jus want to keep em for show and jus to look at and maybe show to his kids in the future or sell them in the future
ReplyDeleteand besides if u r gonna put them in serean wrap and then sell them cause u dnt want them anymore why would u take it off if u know they might crumble and if someone buys them from u wouldnt u tell them to not take the seran wrap off if they want keep the shoes
and if u dnt know tat their gonna crack why dnt u check about seran wrap on sneakers incase before doin it
@MattSneaks You wrote that as if I was the one that plastic wrapped my sneakers. Those are not mine I have the common sense to know leather needs air.
ReplyDeleteIf you wanna keep them in wrap FOREVER go head... I don't see the point in that, reselling them for hundreds more and then telling someone don't take the wrap off or they will crumble, I don't think that's going to go over well as a sales pitch. If you want have them show or display, place them in case out of direct sunlight and excessive heat and you'll be fine.
K 1. i was talikin to u from i agree in my comment to future so tats 2 lines after tat i WASN'T talkin to u cause i know u didnt do it and because i was expressing my opinion usin the letter "U" in it so sorry if u got offended.
ReplyDelete2. Its better to tell not to take it off or they might crumble then not tell them anythin cause when they open and it breaks they wont be surprised and socked tat it happened.
3. i never said they should do it if ur gonna wear them i said "wat if they dnt and jus want to keep em for show and jus to look at and maybe show to his kids in the future or sell them in the future" and again if they where gonna sell them wouldnt they warn them about incase so again if someone buys it they wont get mad if they unknowingly crumble because he warned and it would be the buyers fault not the sellers.
4. im sayin they now because u got offended and took it personal.
5. ill admit tat it isnt the smartest way to protect ur shoes but its a good way as long as they dnt wear them.
6. i ment their shoes
7. it wouldnt be a sell pitch it would be a warning look at hittingroove on ebay it says for a lot of the shoes the sell and i qoute"This is old shoes, collector or bidder who can understand old shoes only. Shoes company doesn't guarantee the quality of old shoes.
To wear old shoes has to be decided at your own risk." but instead talk about seran wrap.
8. and by the way people still buy sneakers seran wrapped for collection purposes only
o and i ment shocked not socked
ReplyDeleteIn re-reading what I wrote I can see how that came across and I apologies. Because just as you didn't personally me in your comment I didn't in my second paragraph, maybe I should have used "one" instead of "you". Like "If one wanna keep them in wrap FOREVER..."
ReplyDeleteEither way miss-communication in sentiment. I do see point 7 all the time on eBay and it's a good/smart move to mention that. Wait a minute I'm sorry but 8 points that's funny... anyway no hard feelings.
Sorry for my comments as well lol i did go a little to far and miscommunication when we were expressin r opinions so again sorry i give u much respect and i like ur channel on youtube lolu should do another video on the 8's tat my favorite one
ReplyDeletehey guys, how about FlightClub NY and LA? they sell shoes with plastic wrap. I know its a legit site, but when I seen there video on youtube, and read this topic. I kinda hesitate to order, specially I'm not from NY or LA. just wanna know y'all opinion but this. thanks
ReplyDelete@Flight Personally I would stay away from any shoes that are more than like 2 or 3 years old if I were dealing with them. That pretty much goes for any reseller unless I had no intention at all of wearing the shoes I was purchasing, and just wanted them for display. Not sure what their logic is in drying out leather and glue but I'm sure it has to do with keeping them as clean as possible. -Peace
ReplyDelete@Jesus have you ever purchase to FlightClub LA or NY?
ReplyDelete@Flight they only plastic wrap shoes without leather. And they re wrap shoes evry week. The shoes with valuable leathet are in cases
ReplyDeleteHow bout if the surface is suede ? All around ? Im talkin bout the nike dunk mighty crowns to be exact ? Anyone know ?