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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Here we go... Again?

Okay so today this is what has me scratching my head. Jordan Brand has decided to retro the Air Jordan XIV Final Shots... AGAIN! I suppose it was 2005 but are they really running out ideas on us? The year of the V is back... the Cardinal VII is back... III's are back... just seems the wheel that is turning should be bigger in rotation like 23 spokes in total not 14. Of course I fully expect to see some kind of "change" to the shoes material or shape but still why not give us a 14 we haven't seen in a while like the Indiglo's or the Oxidized?

On the one hand I get it, new collectors are entering the shoe game almost daily and this will be a nice pick up for them. On another hand we are sneakerheads so worried about "un-DS-ing" their J's? Why are you all so afraid to wear them, they are now on a 5 year rotation so might as well rock them right? The funny thing is in 2005, 2006 etc people COMPLAINED about quality, and here they are now about to start playing the "2011 Retro's ain't that great I got the 2005 joints" card thinking they are fresh. Is that only funny to me?

Anyway I know I've touched on this subject before and I now am looking like Jordan Brand putting my posts on rotation... oh the irony is not lost on me. Jordan Brand let's open the vault on the Retro XVI before we see the Retro XIV again huh? I might be out on a think limb on my own but I'll be happy to grab a pair of Cherrywood XVI's before I cop the Final Shots again. Who knows maybe they will put a nice spin on the shoe and make it worth while... making the toe box bigger would be a nice start! Wishful thinking I suppose...

1 comment:

  1. Agreed - personally, I'd love to see some real classics come back before shoes that were just retroed five or six years ago. Cement IV's anyone? Maroon VI's? Playoff XII's. . .the list could go on.

    Sidenote - would it be wrong of JB to quickstrike the Thunder and Lightning IV's? I'd love to have a set of these. . .
