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Monday, March 28, 2011

Legit Website List Removals

Hopefully by now you all know I have a growing list of Legit Websites on SSB, which is just a quick way to put sneakerheads in touch with legit sellers. That list has grown but you may notice that it has also shrunk a bit and here's the reason why.
POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE! Seems while some sites sell legit shoes they have gotten arrogant in their ways and have forgotten how important the customer base is. I've run into issues where someone made a purchase and waited far to long with little or no communication as to when they would receive their shoes. We've had people order a size only to be told "we don't have that size so take this one" instead of issuing a refund like they should have done.

So I'm not going to put these companies on blast because I'm trying to allow them to correct the situation. If I have a website that ends up selling a fake then of course they will be put on MEGA BLAST so don't worry about that, also that has not happened.

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